Life-Saving Solutions for Food Allergies

Life-Saving Solutions for Food Allergies

What We Do

  • Improve public access to life-saving medications, including epinephrine for allergic reactions
  • Train and educate schools, daycares, and public places on food allergy safety 
  • Help educational facilities procure reduced-cost epinephrine through Belay’s authorized distributors 
  • Provide prescriptions for undesignated and publicly needed epinephrine as well as other emergency medications

The Belay MedLocker®

The Belay MedLocker is a “smart” base station designed to securely house epinephrine and other emergency medications in all public places. MedLocker’s patented technology keeps medications safely stored, yet visible and accessible, in an emergency.

Food Allergy Training

The only accredited food allergy training program. We both certify those who pass and provide CEU credits. Belay provides hands-on support and works closely with all facilities to improve food allergy safety. 

Coming Soon: Food Allergy Training for restaurants, food service establishments, and online food ordering.

The Belay App

Helping parents share critical and life-protecting information regarding their children’s food allergies with other caregivers.


verb be•lay \ be’lā
  1.  to make a climber safe;
  2. the securing of a person to an anchor or to another person;
  3. to secure a climber so that if the climber falls, they do not fall very far.
We are climbers. Belay is your anchor.
And together, we will rise.
We Got this.
We Got this.
We Got this.

Let's change the way
we live with food

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